Saturday, January 17, 2015

Resting Tomorrow or Borrowing Trouble?

“Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the LORD hath dealt bountifully with thee.”Psalm 116:7

I heard of a woman who woke up her husband because she thought she heard a burglar downstairs. He went down with a flashlight and was shining it around. Sure enough, there was a burglar in their home. He said, “Hold it right there. I’ve got a gun on you.”

He picked up the phone and dialed the police. “And another thing,” he said, “Before you go, I want my wife to come down here and meet you. She’s been looking for you for 24 years.”

A lot of people are that way. They borrow trouble by anticipating or worrying about what may happen. What you need to do is stop looking to yesterday in guilt or anticipating tomorrow with anxiety. 

Simply rest in the day the Lord has given you today.

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