Tuesday, October 14, 2014

A Fuss Over Dust: Planck Satellite Fails to Confirm Big Bang 'Proof'

by Jake Hebert, Ph.D. *
...With so many such defeated proofs littering the scientific landscape (Piltdown Man, vestigial organs, the supposed missing link "Ida," smoking gun evidence for the Big Bang, etc.), one would think that Christians would learn not to be so intimidated by the dogmatic claims of secular scientists. Yet many Christians are still reluctant to question the scientific "high priests" of the new secular religion and can only bring themselves to meekly suggest, against all logic and common sense, that perhaps such claims don't really contradict the Bible after all! This recent debacle should encourage Christians to toughen up and exhibit a little hard-nosed skepticism the next time scientists announce the latest "proof" for their theories. After all, aren't secular scientists always telling us that skepticism is a virtue?...

Read the rest of the article here

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