Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Our Daily Bread---Repeat Warnings

I marvel that you are turning away so soon from Him who called you in the grace of Christ, to a different gospel. —Galatians 1:6

“Caution, the moving walkway is ending. Caution, the moving walkway is ending.” If you’ve ever used an automated walkway at an airport, you’ve heard this kind of announcement repeatedly.

Why do airports repeat this announcement over and over? To ensure safety and to protect them from liability if someone were to be injured.

Repeated announcements can be annoying, but they do have value. As a matter of fact, the apostle Paul thought repeating a warning was so vital that he did it in the text of Galatians. But his statement had value far beyond the danger of tripping at the airport. Paul warned them not to listen to, nor believe, him or an angel from heaven if they preached “any other gospel” than what they had already heard (1:8). In the next verse, Paul said it again. It was a warning worth repeating. The Galatians had begun to believe that their salvation was dependent on good works instead of the true gospel: faith in Christ’s work.

The gospel of Jesus—His death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins—is the story that we have the privilege and responsibility to share. When we present the gospel, let’s share that the risen Jesus is the only solution to the problem of sin. —Dave Branon

He is the way, the truth, the life—
That One whose name is Jesus;
There is no other name on earth
That has the power to save us. —Sper
Only one road leads to heaven— Jesus Christ is the way.


Paul’s letter to the church in Galatia addresses Christians who were being persuaded to return to a lifestyle that sought to earn God’s favor through good deeds and obedience to the law of Moses. Today’s passage is part of the introduction to the letter. In these few verses, Paul introduces the topics that will be covered in the rest of the letter, provides the reason this should be of interest to the reader, and establishes his own authority to address the topic. Paul will be writing about the true gospel of Christ (vv.6-9), and the reader should pay attention to his words because he is the bondservant of Christ (v.10). Anyone who preaches another message is “accursed” (vv.8-9).

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1)The Names and Titles of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior will be respected at all times.
2) Discussion is encouraged, however, respect for other people and their opinions is the rule---play nice.
3) No profanity, allusions, innuendos or just plain nastiness will be tolerated. Decency WILL prevail.

This is MY house and YOU are a guest here and differences of opinion will be tolerated as long as you conduct yourself accordingly. If "the exercise of civility is beyond your ability" or you were never taught by your parents, feel free to take your toys and go home and vent your pent-up anger elsewhere.

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