Tuesday, September 9, 2014

New Giant Dinosaur from Argentina

Tango anyone?
by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
Scientists described a new and remarkable fossil skeleton of a giant titanosaur, a group that includes the largest creatures ever to have lived on land. Dinosaur enthusiasts of all backgrounds want to know how big it was and what it may have looked like. Because this specimen is nearly 45 percent complete, it gives more details than any other fossil of its kind, as well as some details that confirm the biblical creation model.
This specimen was so large that probably nothing could stand in its way or even threaten it. For this reason, the researchers publishing in the journal Scientific Reports named itDreadnoughtus schrani, after the Old English word "dreadnaught" which means "fear nothing."
And none of the huge bones were misshapen or out of place. In other words, theDreadnoughtus skeleton looks like it was expertly crafted—obviously created—with none of the half-formed features that one would expect evolution to have left in its eons-long wake.
How could Noah have squeezed two Dreadnoughtus individuals onto the Ark? Many object to this notion, asserting that the Ark must have been too small for such great creatures. But even titanosaurids hatched from an egg only about six inches in length.
Still anatomically young at 85 feet, this creature could have been growing for a long time, growing quickly, or both. Either way, a smaller and younger juvenile would have fit on the Ark just fine, as amply demonstrated in the book Noah's Ark: a Feasibility Study.
A muddy tidal wave inundating an elephant herd-sized dinosaur fits the Flood. And like the well-formed anatomy of an elephant, that of Dreadnoughtus reminds the thoughtful observer that dinosaurs were created, just like in Genesis.
Read the rest of the story here.

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