Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Max---The Anger of God

Max Lucado

Do not confuse the wrath of God with the wrath of man. The two have little in common. We get ticked off because we’ve been overlooked, neglected, or cheated.  It’s the anger of man. God does not get angry because He doesn’t get his way. He gets angry because disobedience always results in self-destruction.

What kind of father sits by and watches his child hurt himself? What kind of God would do the same? Do we think he giggles at adultery? Or snickers at murder? Does he shake his head and say, “Humans will be humans?” God is rightfully angry. Our sins are an affront to his holiness. Habakkuk 1:13 says, his eyes are “too good to look at evil; he cannot stand to see those who do wrong.” God is angry at the evil that ruins his children. He cannot be indifferent that his creation is destroyed and his holy will trodden underfoot.

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1)The Names and Titles of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior will be respected at all times.
2) Discussion is encouraged, however, respect for other people and their opinions is the rule---play nice.
3) No profanity, allusions, innuendos or just plain nastiness will be tolerated. Decency WILL prevail.

This is MY house and YOU are a guest here and differences of opinion will be tolerated as long as you conduct yourself accordingly. If "the exercise of civility is beyond your ability" or you were never taught by your parents, feel free to take your toys and go home and vent your pent-up anger elsewhere.

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