Monday, September 22, 2014

Are We Evolving Stupidity?

by Brian Thomas, M.S.
Are we dumber than our grandparents?
Social psychologists are tracking IQ scores and noticed a decline in the last decade after a steady rise since the 1950s. Some wonder if the recent downturn reflects genes that have been eroding all along. Are we evolving stupidity?
...Decent nutrition and education may have done all the good they can for intelligence, but those factors can’t erase the accumulated mutations, let alone increase our genetic potential for greater intelligence. This preserves Lynch’s “rather stark picture” of a world population that will continue, according to Holmes, “evolving to be more stupid.”
Is there any way to reverse this gloomy forecast? Holmes wrote, “The only way to stop that might be to tinker with our genomes. Given our ignorance about the genetic basis of intelligence, and the ethical complexities, that is a long way off.”
Basically, someone would need to restore every mutation inherited from every generation. For this task, Mankind has far too little knowledge and power. It could only be done by the One who wrote the original and pristine human genome in the first place.
Declining IQ scores, and the harmful mutations that likely cause them, powerfully confirm Scripture that teaches “the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.” 
Read the rest of the article here.

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