Friday, July 11, 2014

So---why Cactus Fish?

We believe, because of both the platypus and the Cactus Fish, that our God has a sense of humor. And we also like to mess with the minds of evolutionaries...


  1. Hoping this blog allows lower end folks like me on here once in a while :)

  2. Why Mr. Tom this blog was set up 'specially for (and by) lower end folks like US! Good to see ya, feel free to drop by when things slow down a bit and leave your curmudgeonly commentary, day or night.



1)The Names and Titles of God our Father and Jesus Christ our Savior will be respected at all times.
2) Discussion is encouraged, however, respect for other people and their opinions is the rule---play nice.
3) No profanity, allusions, innuendos or just plain nastiness will be tolerated. Decency WILL prevail.

This is MY house and YOU are a guest here and differences of opinion will be tolerated as long as you conduct yourself accordingly. If "the exercise of civility is beyond your ability" or you were never taught by your parents, feel free to take your toys and go home and vent your pent-up anger elsewhere.

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